Hello everyone, here I come with a new thought.
Our life is full of surprises, anyway why not because of human nature love surprises. I mean who doesn’t love a surprise, although life surprises are different from all those surprises which we receive from our love once.
People who know you give you a surprise which gives you joy and make you happy, on the other hand, a life gives you a surprise which takes you to the situation of Delima.
So the question is how to deal with such life surprise?
that’s very simple, the answer is very simple and already mentioned in the above paragraph.
Insert life instead of people. Can’t understand what I say, let me explain to you.
People give lovely surprise when they now you, so with life, life gives lovely surprises when
NOW, first though come to your mind is how my life knows me, such unbelievable things, but it is possible, HOW?
This is a time of globalization and lots of universities in the world provide risk management courses for a project, but no one gives you a clear picture of life’s risk management. I am not blaming any institute but saying that this is not possible to teach a uniform course to different individuals who have a different mindset.
Ok, let’s talk about how we can manage risk factors of life which create an impact on surprise, all these things are interconnected.
Because this episode is all about life lets start with a thing that affects you the most.
This is a feeling which affects you the most, day to day, every minute.
Everything has a theme, which is base of it, just set a theme for your own life, let me help you in this, just switch in your memory button in your mind and have a screenplay for whole life till now, after that you know the details of your life, what happen with you in the past, what are you doing now, what are those goal which you want to achieve and are you doing fine right now? Are you happy enough?
caution:- don’t ruin your mind with negative thoughts.
After that decide your theme of life, that is what you want?
Note:- themes of life is an another episode of this series please check it out in a separate blog.
Then start with this then set a small goal like if you chose Happiness as a life theme then the first thing to do is laugh at your self for life till now.
Now come to the point of Life risk management- so if you want to be happy in life first defined the meaning of happiness for you and then calculate the risk which takes away your happiness and works on it, examples- negative attitude of a boss or annoying partner, etc.
Just remember a thing, Emotion is only attached to living beings only.
Now don’t tell me that if you lost your mobile you get emotional with that intangible thing, it’s not emotion it’s just a fear to lose everything.
Now come back to the episode, after calculation, the risk behind your happiness management just take baby steps to solve the problem and see the magic of changing situation, when situation change, life gives you a better surprise which gives you happiness.
For more details stay tune or contact me.